Why Sawyer Brewing Co.?
saw·yer / sôyər / noun
1. a person who saws timber for a living.
Many people are surprised to find out our last name is Eddy, not Sawyer. But, the occupation of a sawyer has been in Lee's family for many, many years. Those of you who know us personally already know that Lee and his dad are loggers. What most of you probably don't know is that Lee's Grandpa Eddy and Grandpa Mack were also loggers! This is how we decided on the name Sawyer Brewing Co. Our logo has four axes one for each generation.
Pictured Below: Grandpa Mack
Sawyer Brewing Co. | Grandpa Mack
The Owners
Sawyer Brewing Co. | Bartop
Keeping True To Our Past
Lee cut down this tree from the Spear Diamond Ranch owned by his Grandma Eddy. He transformed this piece of wood into our bar top! Come check it out while enjoying some beer and pizza!